Recorded at S.o.J’s exhibition ‘Kate Millet Farm’ at Marabouparken in November 2011.
Sisters of Jam is the name of the collaboration between artists/sisters Mikaela and Moa Krestesen. Based on their different experiences and practices, a playful work progress develops where the dialogue creates the ideas. S.O.J started in 2008 when they were commissioned to do the public sculpture “Nobody puts Baby in a corner”, permanently on view in the Umeå city centre. Mikaela Krestesen, b. 1980, educated at Konstfack, Stockholm, lives and works in Stockholm. She works predominantly with photography and installation. Moa Krestesen, b. 1976, educated at Konsthögskolan, Umeå, lives and works in Umeå. Her practice is based on drawing, and she is active in a number of artistic and curatorial collaborations. Source – Sisters of Jam website